Save yourself and others from falling prey to Depression

Keep Learning and Exploring more➡️
Proper coordination and communication between mind, body, society and environment is needed to survive, stay healthy and keep going in life 💯
🔺Now a days, Stress Management workshops are needed and should be organised in every professional fields. Stress management includes deep breathing exercises, mental imagery, sharing of feelings, aerobic exercises, meditation, diverting mind towards productive activities which are in our control.
🔺Younger youth should be educated about correct thinking patterns and not to fall prey to wrong thinking and beliefs. Positive thinking and correct thinking ways should be learned and practised in their life situations. Teach them that bad things happen but to make us more strong. It is a part of life and not something totally different. Unless and until you don't go through sadness you won't feel the importance of happiness.

🔺Reaching for help is must. People should be taught to self-analyze and anticipate their negatively building thoughts and immediately seek help before taking any harmful actions.
🔺 Don't let the mind control you. Control of your life starts with controlling your mind by regulating the thoughts that you choose to dwell upon. Your thoughts determine your actions, and your actions determine the life that you live. 
🔺Likewise, our surrounding people, family and friends should always keep connection with eachother. A simple act or word of kindness, care can stop the opposite person from self-harm. Observe for the change in behaviour of your loved ones and take a moment to ask if they are facing any stress. Assure them that they are not alone and we are there to support you. Everything will be fine and motivate that person.
🔺Mobile technology is making these younger generation to live and connect with others in virtual world. Now a days, people mostly prefer to watch videos, surf social media sites in their free time. They try to find solutions to various problems by themselves. Instead, people should try to make communication and ask for help from friends and family in real physical world. Try to communicate with eachother by meeting them, calling them, celebrating festivals togethers, playing indoor and outdoor games. Making productive and wise use of free time must be learned and taught. At the end, having 'Peace of mind' is must.

🔺Everyone must make their own wishlist so that they have some reason to live and stay healthy.

Thankyou for reading!!!
( Dr.Ashwini Sangar, Dr. Sheetal Tatar-Dhande, Dr. Pallavi Khadse-Kolhe)
